DIR EN GREY Adds Two UK Shows

September 25, 2007

Japanese rock phenomenon DIR EN GREY, who earlier this month confirmed they will be headlining the Fuse 07 event at Shepherds Bush Empire, have added an extra two shows in the UK, in Sheffield and Oxford. "We are really thrilled to be playing a few shows in the UK," said the band. "We are especially looking forward to visiting cities we've never been to before."

The November shows are as follows:

Nov. 02 - London Shepherds Bush Empire
Nov. 12 - Oxford Academy
Nov. 14 - Sheffield Corporation

DIR EN GREY will also release a new single, "Dozing Green" in late October (worldwide release date to be confirmed). Previously unreleased, "Dozing Green" will give fans a chance to hear a brand new track with a brand new sound for the band.

"It took us a long session of trial and error before we came to the final version of 'Dozing Green'," the group said. "This track is definitely one that has both the new DIR EN GREY combined with elements that never was in our music. It is difficult to describe the new song in just one word, but I can assure you that this marks the first step towards the creation of our next album."

In other news, DIR EN GREY has been announced as special guests to LINKIN PARK at the following shows:

Nov. 23 – Tokyo, JPN @ Saitama Super Arena
Nov. 24 - Tokyo, JPN @ Saitama Super Arena

DIR EN GREY was interviewed by Scuzz TV backstage at their Islington Academy gig in London, England on August 2, 2007. Watch the interview in two parts below.

DIR EN GREY interview part 1:

DIR EN GREY interview part 2:

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